
Announcement Markdown Process Expanded

The Winding-up Board of LBI hf. has expanded the Markdown Process. It is now available to Beneficial Owners who:

  1. have blocked their position but did NOT file a claim against LBI hf.
  2. have blocked their position and their claim has been finally rejected.
  3. have blocked their position and their claim has been finally accepted.
  4. hold a claim based on subordinated bond.
  5. Please Note: If the position that you wish to markdown is related to a claim that has already been traded, in part or in whole, additional requirements are necessary to complete a markdown of the position.  A Markdown can only be requested by the owner of the account in which the position is blocked.  A claimholder that acquired the claim via the claim transfer process cannot request a markdown of the underlying blocked position.

The Winding-up Board reserves the right to make further changes as it deems necessary.

For further information, please see the FAQ section.

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