News Archive












LBI loses six remaining voiding cases in the District Court

On Friday 22 December 2017, the District Court of Reykjavik announced its verdict on the six remaining court cases regarding claims for voiding. In all instances, LBI claims for rescission were rejected by the court on the basis that the payment appeared ordinary under the circumstances. LBI will review whether to appeal the rulings.

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Scheduled payment confirmed to be €140,464,677

Pursuant to 9.1(c) of the Conditions, and in furtherance of the Payment Notice issued on the 5 December 2017, the Issuer hereby notifies the Noteholders that the final amount of Euro Equivalent Available Cash paid on the 15 December 2017 will be €140,464,677.

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Terms defined in this notice shall be constructed in accordance with the conditions set out in the Schedule 1 to the Trust Deed, dated March 23rd, 2016 and made between the Issuer, the Trustee and the U.S. Trustee (the “Conditions“) (as amended in a noteholder meeting on 28 November 2016).

Pursuant to the Condition 9.1(b) of the Conditions, the Issuer hereby notifies the Noteholders of a payment which will be applied in partial redemption of the Notes on the Payment Date of 15 December 2017. The estimated Euro Equivalent Available Cash for this payment is € 140,581,694.

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Financial Information for Q3 2017

LBI has published its Management Account for Q3 2017 on its website under

LBI will host an investor call on Thursday 30 August 2017 at 14:00 GMT (14:00 London time, 09:00 New York time) and go through a presentation available on this website. Participants can use the dial-in using the instructions below. The investor call will be recorded and subsequently made available on LBI’s website for those unable to attend.

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LBI has completed LEI registration

Please be advised that LBI ehf. recently received a global Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) as can be evidenced by the following link:

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Ruling by the Criminal Court of Paris appealed

On Friday 1 September 2017 the Public Prosecutor and most of the borrowers in question appealed the Paris Criminal Court Judgement from 28 August 2017.  LBI is currently reviewing its position, including the potential effects of the appeals.

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Ruling by the Criminal Court of Paris

Today 28 August 2017, the Criminal Court of Paris ruled in the case against nine former directors, executives and wealth management advisors of Landsbanki Luxembourg of a supposed fraud.

According to media coverage of the ruling, all nine indicted persons were fully acquitted of all charges.

LBI is currently reviewing the ruling and will provide comments, to the extent possible, during an investor call scheduled this Wednesday.

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Financial Information for Q2 2017

LBI has published its Management Account for Q2 2017 on its website under

LBI will host an investor call on Thursday 30 August 2017 at 14:00 GMT (15:00 London time, 10:00 New York time) and go through a presentation available on this website. Participants can use the dial-in using the instructions below. The investor call will be recorded and subsequently made available on LBI’s website for those unable to attend.

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Unscheduled payment confirmed to be €146,561,602

Terms defined in this notice shall be construed in accordance with the conditions set out in the Schedule 1 to the Trust Deed, dated 23 March 2016 and made between the Issuer, the Trustee and the U.S. Trustee (the “Conditions“) (as amended in a noteholder meeting on 28 November 2016).

Pursuant to 9.1(c) of the Conditions, and in furtherance of the Unscheduled Payment Notice issued on the 30 June 2017, the Issuer hereby notifies the Bondholders that the final amount of Euro Equivalent Available Cash paid on the 21 July 2017 will be €146,561,602.

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Unscheduled payment estimated to be €147,723,358

Terms defined in this notice shall be construed in accordance with the conditions set out in the Schedule 1 to the Trust Deed, dated 23 March 2016 and made between the Issuer, the Trustee and the U.S. Trustee (the “Conditions“) (as amended in a noteholder meeting on 28 November 2016).

Pursuant to 9.2(a)(ii) of the Conditions, and in furtherance of the Unscheduled Payment Notice issued on the 30 June 2017, the Issuer hereby notifies the Bondholders of payment which will be applied in partial redemption of the Bonds on the Payment Date of 21 July 2017. The estimated Euro Equivalent Available Cash for this payment is €147,723,358.

An estimated breakdown of the currencies included and the assets from which the Euro Equivalent Available Cash will derive, in accordance with 9.1(b)(ii) of the Conditions can be found here.

The Currency Conversion Date for the non-EUR currencies will be 13 July 2017. LBI will provide a further notification after the Currency Conversion Date and confirm the final EUR amount used for partial redemption of the Bonds on the Payment Date of 21 July 2017.

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